It is once again time to show our appreciation for the club by pitching in for a few hours to do projects to enhance and improve the appearance of the club. Come for the weekend and enjoy the fruits of a bit of labor along with a lot of fun and camaraderie.
Last year we had about 50 people show up and it was a great success and a lot of fun. April 29 is the weekend before the Commodore's party so it is a great way to make the club look it's best for the celebration.
If you have a special area you want to help with let Chuck Wills at 256 506 7773 or Otherwise just show up and we will assign you to a leader.
The major list of projects is listed below with the leaders.
- Spring Flower Planting around clubhouse - Diane Beck
- Plant Hanging Baskets in Gazebo - Helen Fachet
- Inside Club House organizing and improvements - Denise Creech
- Pressure Wash Sidewalks / Pool area (bring extra pressure washers please!) - Greg Creech
- Clean up dead trees, limbs and other heavy work - Steve Bosse and Skip Boyer
- Clean up and Mulch Flower Beds - Boyce Ross
- Trim roses and bushes - Bonnie Ballard
- Food - Krall's and Jacque Nyenhuis
- Beer and Wine - Paul Tatum and Chuck Wills
Bring gloves, wear appropriate clothing and an special tools you believe would help to work safely on the tasks you would like to participate in.
If you can offer a pressure washer it really helps to have 5 or 6 going to get the job done in one day.
Teams will be formed based on needs, skills and any physical limitations. First and foremost, come to have fun and participate and don't take on tasks your body is not able to safely do!
Lunch is provided and the beer and wine will be offered in the afternoon.
Please resister so we can order the right amount of food for lunch and beer and wine for the after party.